The Benefits of Walking the Dog

When my family was first considering a new dog, I promised to feed and walk the dog every day. For a long time, those promises were not often kept as homework, swim practices, and school took up most of my time. Finally, the stress of going to college for the first time drove me to begin walking Magic and Buddy on an every day basis. Soon, I discovered what I had been missing out on all those years. Walking my dogs gives me a chance to unwind from the day. All the stress built up during a long day at work or tough semester is relieved when my furry friends and I stroll around the neighborhood. I get to reflect on my day and the things that I find important without any outside opinions. The dogs are so happy to be outside of our yard too! Through this experience, I’ve determined that walking is an extremely underrated form of exercise. Since Magic is getting a little older, walking gives her the chance to strengthen her hip muscles and the exercise is low impact o...