Protective Behavior

With a dog’s fierce loyalty and unconditional love sometimes comes some pretty protective behavior over their owners. It’s this devotion and dedication that can make a dog a good watch dog, and man’s best friend. My mom feeds Buddy and Magic, and for that Buddy will follow her to ever corner of the house to make sure that she is never alone and always safe. Buddy is a bit over-the-top in his adoration, but Magic keeps a special eye on the hand that feeds too – although not nearly as clingy! If my mom leaves they wait by the door and perk up to the sound of a car pulling in. They exhibit some of the same behavior to me too, now that I am forever associated with their walks! But they don’t limit themselves to their loving owners. Buddy protecting his ball from an eager Magic! Buddy and Magic can get fiercely protective of our yard! They run rings around the yard - chasing cars and warding off deer. But...