When A Dog Grieves

Just like humans, dogs feel the pain of the loss of a loved one. When my father passed away last November, I wasn't the only one dealing with grief. Our family dog Colbie, a Scoodle (half Poodle, half Scottish Terrier), felt the loss in his own way. There was not a day in the seven years we had Colbie that my dad did not spend outside with him. Whether taking Colbie on his daily walks at the local track, or gardening in the spring and summer, Colbie and my father, Gary, were always side-by-side. Originally, Colbie was a surprise for my mother on my parent's anniversary. I found Colbie, and my dad and I went and bought him and brought him home. My dad never was a fan of smaller dogs, but little by little, Colbie warmed my dad's heart. It may sound cliche, but Colbie changed the man who was my dad. He became kinder. He became softer. He became a man who loved life more, and took the time to appreciate the small things. My dad became ill in late October 2014. I s...