My Checkered Flag Pups

Hey fellow pup lovers! Long time no post, but we are back! My name is Casey Saladino, and I have recently accepted an internship with Vizion Group PR working as the social media coordinator for the National Dog Show! (Check us out on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter) I want to dedicate my first post to my two dogs (naturally). Talli, named after Talladega Speedway, is a 10-year-old soon to be 11-year-old cheerful black Labrador. We got Talli when I was just 10-years-old. He was the lankiest pup you had ever seen, and only wanted to play. At the time, we had another dog, Indy, named after the Indianapolis 500 (do you see the theme yet?). Indy was 6-years-old when we got Talli, and Indy was the most mellow lab you’d ever meet. He was the dog that even if you were not a dog person (I couldn’t even imagine) you liked. He was practically a pillow for my little sister and me, who loved his bed and to sleep the day away. You can imagine what Indy thought when we brought an energetic, sprig...