
Showing posts from June, 2019

Enough is Enough

By: Katy Gray As an intern at Vizion Group Public Relations, I have had the amazing opportunity to be a part of The National Dog Show hosted by the Kennel Club of Phil adelphia, and the job really has me thinking about how lucky I am to have my one-year-old puppy, Hank.   Unfortunately for me, my oldest sister was a cat person, so I grew up with a Siamese-mix cat named Sunny. I was always desperate for a dog growing up because my seven siblings simply weren’t entertaining enough. I longed for a furry friend, and at nine years old decided enough was enough. I created a PowerPoint presentation with indisputable points as to why I should have a dog, including heart-warming pictures and the benefits of having this dog for me, the family, and said dog (a golden retriever, of course), and presented it to my parents.               When I pictured how my junior year at Villanova University was going to go, I would...