
Showing posts from September, 2015


Just kidding. But now I have your attention. I am ecstatic that my first blog post is about two of my biggest passions: dogs and community service. I’ve lived on the Main Line all my life and I would bet that we have as many dogs per capita as any big-city suburban area in America. But, we also have our own dog walk. Calling All Dogs is a charity fundraising dog walk set for Saturday, October 10 from 9am - noon, at the local Wilson Farm Park in Wayne, PA. Who can pass up an entire morning of fun activities for adults, kids and canines? The walk will feature the National Dog Show Therapy Dog Ambassador Team and performance canines from the PennVet Working Dog Center doing demonstrations.  The lineup will feature David Frei, the TV personality and America’s foremost authority on all things canine plus contests for various contests for dogs organized by the well-known boarding/training facility What A Good Dog.   There will be food an...