BFF (Best Furry Friend)

It was just a typical June day for me. I was babysitting for my usual family, and taking their dog to be groomed. Last summer, I walked in the door of Doggie Style and laid eyes on the cutest dog I had ever seen, so naturally I had to go pet him. I began playing and interacting with this 40-pound, 10 month old boxer/hound mix and immediately fell in love. He was under-weight and needed someone to save him.

The way this whole thing played out seemed like fate. I was not even looking to get a dog, this just fell into my lap. I quickly texted my landlord and parents, hoping they would give me immediate approval on taking on the task of being a dog mom. Once I received their approval, I filled out an application, and went back later that day to take him home.

The first week of owning Rocco, I experienced a plethora of emotions. At first I was nervous, am I ready to take on the responsibility of owning a dog? At the time, I was just a 20 year-old, full-time college student. I have always considered myself an extreme dog lover, and aside from the inevitable cuteness, I don't think I knew exactly what I was getting myself in to.

As time passed, I realized that I was extremely lucky to find Rocco. He never went to the bathroom in the house, and there was no history of training since he was previously abused. He never chewed anything up. He had absolutely no behavioral problems. All he ever wants is absurd amounts of attention, and a full night sleep (he gets mad at me when my alarm goes off at 9 am for class). 

Rocco's favorite thing to do is go to the dog park and doggy day care. There is nothing he loves more than playing and interacting with other dogs. I have been looking for events in the Philadelphia area where he can play with other dogs. Because of this, I am looking forward to bringing him to the National Dog Show Charity Walk. You have to come out and meet Rocco, so I urge you to register for the walk at

It is mind-boggling to me that someone could have ever abused my dog when all he wants is to be loved. Adopting Rocco ended up being one of the best things that ever happened to me. While there have obviously been challenges along the way, I would not have traded any of these experiences for the world. He is my best friend, and favorite snuggle buddy, and I am hoping, if he could talk, that he would say the same about me. 


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